Archive for the ‘Miscellaneous’ Category

It has been 3 days since my kids went to their mother’s and 4 days since she took the noisy fucking birds. My dog only barks when he’s trying to tell me something. It’s quiet. I almost miss my wife… Or maybe I just need to get laid. Yeah, that’s probably it. Too bad I […]

It’s been yet another many months (not quite a year this time, but longer than I should have waited to provide an update). The major news is that I’m back in Panama where I belong. I’m back with my wife, although there’s still some unresolved issues. She’s stopped having her affair (or at least she […]

I was in a strip club recently, and the girl on my lap was very nice and very cute. But there was one thing about her that bothered me. She was all about the money. When she invited me into the VIP room so that she could play with my cock, I told her I […]

Most men know that we have to pay for sex, one way or another. Women will deny it seven ways from Sunday, but they are all whores. Some are just more honest about it than others. There are essentially three business models when it comes to paying for sex.

I can’t believe it’s been 11 months since my last post.  Time has certainly flown by.  Or perhaps it’s simply that nothing much has changed.  I’m still married.  I’m still miserable.  But in the last month and a half I have done something about it. In July I made the decision to go back to […]

Don’t talk to me about religion or God. They’re not the answers I’m looking for.

My marriage is over, or will be soon. This introductory post starts the story of my failing marriage, and invites readers to participate in my future.